About Us
As the years went by, and I was in my late 40’s, I had a good selection of go to cigars. I increased my daily intake from 1 a day to 3 a day and sometimes even more. I just love smoking cigars and I enjoy the history behind tobacco.
When I turned 50 I moved to Florida and my passion for cigars increased. I became well educated on cigars through a constant desire to learn more and inquisitive nature. Among the many conversations I had I met a fellow online that turned out to be very well-versed in the cigar world. My knowledge on cigars expanded tremendously. I became an avid collector of fine, rare, hard to come by cigars and I enjoyed smoking them on a regular basis.
By 51, cigars had become a full-time hobby. I started collecting cigars more aggressively, and I amassed a small arsenal. My friend, Steve, suggested I should go into the cigar business. In 2018, I applied for my tobacco license, and engaged in building this website to help me pursue my hobby to the next level.
So, now, I present to you my online store website. I hope you can enjoy the history and the smoking of cigars just like I have and still do. I still enjoy smoking 3-5 cigars every day. I continue buying and collecting cigars that I think I will enjoy and I hope you will have the same enjoyment.
Welcome to City of Cigars.